Conjugaison du verbe hear through the grapevine [v.]
-hear through the grapevine
Ihear through the grapevine
youhear through the grapevine
hehears through the grapevine
wehear through the grapevine
youhear through the grapevine
theyhear through the grapevine
Iheard through the grapevine
youheard through the grapevine
heheard through the grapevine
weheard through the grapevine
youheard through the grapevine
theyheard through the grapevine
Iwillhear through the grapevine
youwillhear through the grapevine
hewillhear through the grapevine
wewillhear through the grapevine
youwillhear through the grapevine
theywillhear through the grapevine
Ihaveheard through the grapevine
youhaveheard through the grapevine
hehasheard through the grapevine
wehaveheard through the grapevine
youhaveheard through the grapevine
theyhaveheard through the grapevine
-hearing through the grapevine
-heard through the grapevine
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
free of tee off agree to toe the line disagree with hear out free from mortgage agree on hear again tee up agree with dye again hear the last of free from free from blame hear through the grapevine disagree over